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Yes, they have connected to the other sub by people who remark, but in some cases they tend to delete the post here and just keep it on the opposite. If a reply doesn't work, perhaps a warning which appears before posting? We all know of the bottom to the OSRS sub in the Partner Subreddits section, but most people who post OSRS only themed content, don't even look there, since they did not knew the presence of this 2007 Runescape subreddit and are grateful when the people who remark mention it, its getting clear that the bottom resulting in the sub par on the side bar isn't enough. I'd believed the phishing one would be tough to implement, props. On using many men and women click on things, phishing urls before thinking 16, I agree.
But yea in regards to phishing some more actions may have to be accepted, these malicious classes are advancing their ways to catch unsuspecting victims increasingly these days. We've spilled streams on advertisements, phis