Elena Volkova became the first Russian-speaking blogger in the Dominican Republic. Her series of publications about the island brought her world fame and had a large-scale impact on attracting European tourists to the Dominican Republic. In December 2019, Russia took first place in Europe in terms of the volume of tourist flow to the Dominican Republic, leaving behind France and Germany's traditionally active tourist markets. For the popularization of the region, Elena Volkova got a diploma "The best Russian-language blog about the Dominican Republic" from the representative office of the Ministry of Tourism of the Dominican Republic in the Russian Federation and the CIS, as well as a gratitude from the Ministry of Tourism of the Dominican Republic for assistance in the development of active tourism in the country. "I believe that promoting tourism is an important part of the strategy for developing domestic and inbound tourism. For every corner of the globe that claims to have a tourist flow, there is a need to create a concept for presenting its territory based on geographical, social, economic, cultural, and ethnographic characteristics.
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