PhysioHeal Physiotherapy is known for housing experienced Physiotherapists. Dr.Divya Gaur Physio, a well-reputed Physiotherapist, practices in Delhi. Visit this medical health centre for Physiotherapists recommended by 86 patients.
Physioheal treats a wide array of conditions. Orthopaedic cases (this includes sports injuries, fractures, spinal pain and headaches to name a few) are the most common types of patients we treat in a clinical setting.
Doctors working in this hospital treat common problems, such as scoliosis.
Our approach to management usually involves you taking an active role in your rehab. You learn very specific exercises to regain normal function and how to incorporate this into your habits and postures. Of course we use manual therapy, taping and dry needling to help things along as needed. At PhysioHeal Physiotherapy Clinic we have the specialist expertise to diagnose your problem, give you individual attention and treatment, spend time with you and show you how to prevent a problem happening again.
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