übersetzen   3 Jahre

It was far from smooth sailing, though. Northern lost in the second round to North American champions NRG, meaning that they dropped down to the lower bracket and had to play six consecutive series to fight for their tournament life. (RLCS has a double elimination format.) That included beating NRG in a rematch in the lower bracket finals. After coming through the lower bracket, Northern had to play Mock-It in the grand finals, a team that had zero losses to that point. Northern reset the bracket by defeating Mock-It in six games in the first series before pushing the second matchup to seven. Mock-It led three games to two in the second series before Northern took both games six and seven.

Another roadblock in Northern's way was that they weren't playing with their optimal squad. One of the players, Maestro, was unable to attend due to exams in school. So, their substitute, Turbopolsa, had to step up and fill that role. To his credit, Turbopolsa played an incredible tournament and was a major reason why Northern ended up winning.

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