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Tip: reading exploration and goals.
The first is to adapt to the text evaluating the length of the material, reading the data, the frames, the words in black, etc... We have to analyze what the book is about and calculate the approximate reading time to determine the objectives of the weekly study. You must be realistic in setting these goals. Impossible goals will only lead to despair and frustration.
اوراق عمل فقه رابع ف1

Tip: differentiate what we know and what we don't know.
We must record and differentiate what we know on the subject of the new knowledge that the book provides us with. This exercise trains the mind to relate well to the new concepts we have. Being clear about the purpose and benefit of what we read greatly increases its use and recall. We should always explore the chapters that come before and after which we wish to study. If we do this our mind will absorb and understand because we give it a broader view of the content of what we intend to learn and if doubts arise, we must continue reading. In most cases, it will become clear on its own along the following pages.

أوراق عمل - موقع كتبي

للخدمات التعليمية - تحاضير - شروحات ٠ ورق عمل - بوربوينت - توزيع المناهج - حل الكتاب والاسئلة
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