Ive purchased everyday 2K. This season I'm not so sure. I feel like the 2K20 community will probably be there when I wanna get my bball itch scratched plus CP2077. Along ...
You're arguing that if women were inserted to NBA 2K21 that could ruin realism, however there is multiple elements of 2k that isn't at alll real e.g you cant do it i...
There are just 11 other quests listed with a span long. Given that RuneScape includes a 226 quests in total, it developer Jagex has put a lot of work into it. Set one year aft...
X-Factor. Abilities. Secondary Position. If Chem multipliers should be considered in Pick 10, I am still thinking. For instance x3 Broncos team chem would take 3 slots up. Alt...
Your teammates in my career do not play especially backcourt/ball dominant players, as their real life counterparts. I am on the Mavericks and Luka is fairly bad. He is only a...
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