Neograft CHANDIGARH HAIR CLINIC has been around since it opened in 2010. We’re right in the middle of everything in Chandigarh. Nearly 30 minutes from the airport and 15 minutes from the train station and ISBT separate the Sector 22 location of Neograft Hair Clinic from the rest of the city. Near the Neograft hair clinic, there are numerous high-end accommodations for a nice stay. Because of the adjacent hotels and eating establishments, a wide range of cuisine is available at any time. If you live close to Chandigarh, there’s no need to reserve a room ahead of time. Our clients are free to return to their homes or offices within a 200-kilometer radius of the clinic if they so choose. If you’re travelling from afar or taking a train or plane to Neograft Hair Clinic, we recommend getting a hotel room ahead of time. To make your time at the neograft hair clinic as pleasant as possible, our staff is constantly on hand to assist you.
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