In the year 1994 Cardiac Lifecare was started with the motive of proving itself as one of the top Pharmaceutical Medicine Exporter In India. more than 20 countries are being served by our quality-rich range of Pharma medicine and Pharma products and the list includes Yemen, Afghanistan, Iraq, Ukraine, Nepal, Ghana, Cambodia, Myanmar, Bhutan, Uzbekistan, Oman, Sudan, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Burkina, UAE. Being an ISO-certified pharmaceutical exporter in India our company makes sure to follow global standards of production.
Different product types such as tablets capsules, injectables, suspensions, syrups, and soft gel capsules are offered by our company being the best Pharma medicine exporter in India. We have avoided the experience of 27+ years in the Pharma sector; more than 3000+ associates are linked with us at the moment. Manufacturing plants of our company have been constructed on a wide piece of land and hi-tech machines are installed there. As we are the most well-known pharmaceutical exporting company in India, the main aim of our firm lies in satisfying the needs of the linked Pharma companies.
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