Properly defending your charges requires more than my thorough understanding of the law. I must tailor your defense to address your specific needs in addition to your specific facts. I need to get to know you and your personal situation before I can properly defend you in court. When you hire Segal Defense, you bring the full force of our extensive experience, formidable courtroom skills, and reputation with judges and District Attorneys to help win your case. Charles has been recognized as one of the Top 100 DWI attorneys in Minnesota by The National Advocacy for DUI Defense, LLC (NAFDD) and was selected as one of the Top 100 Criminal Defense lawyers in the State of Minnesota by The American Society of Legal Advocates (ASLA). He is rated by AVVO™ as a Superb 10.0 Top DUI Attorney. Our criminal lawyers practice throughout Minneapolis, Bloomington, Edina, Plymouth and the rest of Minnesota. So, reach out to Segal Defense today to discuss your options.
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